Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend News of 2/6-2/7/10

Friday night I got off the bus and did my homework until my friend picked me up to have a sleepover.At her house we watched a movie, had pizza dinner, made lunches for skijammers, and had cereal for breakfst. Then, her mom drove us to the bus stop where buses that take us to the place that we're going to ski at. This week we went to Wild Mountain. When I got home I had dinner, read for twenty minuetes, and wetn to sleep because I was really tired after getting up at 7:00 am and skiing all day. Sunday morning I had cinomin bred and cinomin toast crunch for breakfast. When I was finished with breakfast I went on the computer for a while. When I was finished I did some more of my homework. When I stopped played rock band with my dad for a while. When we stopped we had lunch. When I was finished with lunch I did almost the rest of my home work. When I stopped I played a game on the computer. I watched TV when I was finished. When I stopped watching TV I went to my nieghbors across the street to play outside. When we setopped we all came back to my house and had hot cocoa and played rock band. after they left I finished my homework and ate dinner. For dinner I had steak, baked potatoes, and salty asparugus. after dinner I read, showered and went to bed.

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