Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend News 2/27-2/28/10

Friday night I did homework until dinner. For dinner my parents and I had butter noodles, milk, and pizza. After dinner I did a little more homework. Then, my dad and I played band hero until it was time for me to go to bed. Then I woke up at 7:00 for my ski program and then i went to the bus stop. soon after i go t there we had lunch and i found my dad. (he was there because it was family fun day) For lunch I ate with my dad and my cousin Caroline. I had a hot dog, lays original chips, chocolate chip cookies, and Dr. Pepper. After lunch we went down to the secret path you go down and you go real fast down the hill. My dad snowboards and my cousin and I ski. Then we went down the terrain park a couple times. After that we went on the wall which is a really steep hill at Wild Mountain. it is a double black diamond. when we stopped skiing we only stopped to have a snack and rest for a little bit. After we went back out we just went on a bunch of random hills until our last run I went on the wall but Caroline and my dad didn't. I got to skate on my skis about 1/4 of a mile. It was really fun. When we got back I went to Caroline's house and we had a sleepover. For dinner we had lasagna, Fro desssert we had awesome sundaes with chocolate and caramel syrup, the candy of nerds, twix, snickers, crunch bar and butter fingers. It was sooooo good. Soon we went to bed. We watched saturday night live for a while though, then we went to sleep. In the morning we got up and had breakfast. After btreakfast we cleaned up our sleeping area. once we were finished we went out side and went snow mobiling in the yards. It was sooo fun. There was the driver and a sled attached to the snowmobile with someone riding. I got to do a lot of both. Soon my mom came and I had to go home. When I got home I did some more home work until my friend came over. We went on a walk, playedoutside, played band hero, and ate llunch. After they left I finished most of my home work. When I finished my family and I went on a walk. When we got back I took a shower and then had dinner. After dinner I practiced violin, read and went to sleep.

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