Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weekend News 1/9-10/10

Friday night my neighbors and cousins came over for dinner. After desert we went to my cousin and neighbors hockey game. My cousin played my neighbor, my cousin was number 10 on the Minnetonka and my neighbor was number 11 on the Edina team. Edina won 6-1. After the game I went home and went to sleep. Saturday morning I woke up at 7:00 to go to ski jammers. On the bus ride to Mount Kato it took 3 hours, it was supposed to take 1 and 1/2. The reason was because we took four stop, each stop was about 15-30 minutes long. The first stop was when my bus broke down and we had to go on a brand new bus. The second stop was because a different bus broke down and they moved on our bus and the other 2 buses. The third stop was because a kid on a different bus got his tongue stuck to a window. The last stop was because a bunch of kids had to go to the bathroom. When we got there we got our skis and went to our groups. One girl and I went down a hill twice and then the whole group had lunch. We didn't get to Mount Kato until 11:30, we left at 8:15. We got 2 hours of ski lessons in, we were supposed to have 4.When I got home I had hot chocolate with whipped cream. Then I had a small dinner and went to the Edina vs. Academy of Holy Angels hockey game. It was a tie game, 4-4. Sunday morning I slept in until 10:30. For breakfast I had chocolate chip pancakes with syrup and whipped cream. After breakfast I played band hero with my parents. Then I did most of my home work. After that I had cheese rappers for lunch. Sunday afternoon I went skating until dinner time. For dinner we had stake and potatos.

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