Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekend News 1/23-24/10

Friday night I went to my cousins house to celebrate my uncle's birthday. We played rock band and we played house with Ryan (3 yrs. old). We had rigatoni, bread, and salad for dinner. After we left I got home and went to bed. Saturday morning I got up at 8:00 for skijammers but then we got a call saying it was canceled because of the weather. So instead of staying home and doing nothing I went to my dad's last pond hockey game. His team lost 13 to 8. When the game was over my dad and I went to my cousins' house for lunch and time to play. When my dad and I got home we hung out and relaxed until a friend and I went to the JV and Varsity Minnetonka vs. Edina hockey game. Edina lost seven to one. When I got home i watched television and went to sleep. Sunday morning I got up at 10:00. I had chocolate chip pancakes and hard boiled eggs with orange juice. After breakfast I went to the 11:30 mass at church. When my family and I got home we video chatted with our friends that live in Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands, Europe. It was 1:00 here and 8:00 there. When we finished the call I did some homework. When I was finished I had lunch. That was at about 3:30. After lunch I played Band Hero and watched television. Then I played on the computer and did some more homework. When I finished most of my homework I had dinner. After dinner I completely finished my homework, had desert, read and went to bed.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weenkend News 1/16-1/18/10

On Friday night I had a friend over. We watched a movie and ate really good pepperoni pizza. Saturday morning I woke up at 7:00 to go to ski jammers. We went to Powder Ridge Winter Area. When I got home it was about 5:30. I had a quesadilla from Chipotle. After dinner I went down to the pond next to my house. A bunch of the people in my neighborhood came down and we had a big hockey game. I scored two goals for my team. When I got home I had hot cocoa and went to bed. Sunday morning I had chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs and orange juice. After breakfast I went to Hoigaards to get a new jacket for next year. When I got back I watched the Incredibles and had butter noodles for lunch. After lunch I did some homework. Then I went skating for a while at the pond. When I came back I went to the hotel my grandparents stayed at. At the hotel we went swimming and ate chips and guacamole. They stayed at the Embassy Suites. When we got back I had a friend over and we had pizza and grapes for dinner. After dinner we played The Game of Life. When the game was over her and I watch two television shows. When the episodes were finished we played on my Wii. Teh game on Wii we played was Band Hero which is practically Rock Band but it has pop songs instead of rock songs. Then we played Wii Sports Resort, we played wakeboarding and basketball. When we stoped we made our bed. When it was finiched and comfy we talked and then we fell asleep at about 11:30. Monday morning we had chocolate chip pancakes and orange juice for breakfast. After breakfast we cleaned up and then I had to take her home. When I got home I went to the Cheese Cake Factory for lunch with my grandparents.I got to mini hamburgers with lettuce, onions, ketchup, and mustard on it. When we were finished we went shopping for about fourty-five minutes. When we were done shopping we went to the movie "The Spy Next Door". It was a GREAT movie. After the movie my grandparents for some snacks before they left back to Iowa. After they left I did almost the rest of my homework. When I stopped I helped with dinner work and had a chicken sandwich with milk, grapes, and edamame for dinner. After dinner I finished my homework and showered. I read a book and got ready for bed. I got into bed at about 8:00. It was a great weekend.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weekend News 1/9-10/10

Friday night my neighbors and cousins came over for dinner. After desert we went to my cousin and neighbors hockey game. My cousin played my neighbor, my cousin was number 10 on the Minnetonka and my neighbor was number 11 on the Edina team. Edina won 6-1. After the game I went home and went to sleep. Saturday morning I woke up at 7:00 to go to ski jammers. On the bus ride to Mount Kato it took 3 hours, it was supposed to take 1 and 1/2. The reason was because we took four stop, each stop was about 15-30 minutes long. The first stop was when my bus broke down and we had to go on a brand new bus. The second stop was because a different bus broke down and they moved on our bus and the other 2 buses. The third stop was because a kid on a different bus got his tongue stuck to a window. The last stop was because a bunch of kids had to go to the bathroom. When we got there we got our skis and went to our groups. One girl and I went down a hill twice and then the whole group had lunch. We didn't get to Mount Kato until 11:30, we left at 8:15. We got 2 hours of ski lessons in, we were supposed to have 4.When I got home I had hot chocolate with whipped cream. Then I had a small dinner and went to the Edina vs. Academy of Holy Angels hockey game. It was a tie game, 4-4. Sunday morning I slept in until 10:30. For breakfast I had chocolate chip pancakes with syrup and whipped cream. After breakfast I played band hero with my parents. Then I did most of my home work. After that I had cheese rappers for lunch. Sunday afternoon I went skating until dinner time. For dinner we had stake and potatos.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Celebrating Christmas

On Christmas Eve my family and I went to church with my dad's brother's family at their church. After church we all went to my grandma's house to help out before her Christmas eve party. During the party most of the kids went out side. I was one of those kids. when we came in we ate dinner and the played kid winter pictionary. I got to be the drawer four or five times. Then all the kids went in the family and watched a movie a called " How The Grinch Stole Christmas". In the middle of the movie my second cousin Jenny rushed in to the room we were in and she said " I was standing out in the porch and I am freaking dead serious that I heard something outside". Hearing that all of the kids rushed out to the porch and saw... Santa Claus!!!!!!!!! We were all so excited we jumped into the bed and mattress in my cousins' and our bedroom and fake slept until everybody except my cousins' family and my family left. When they left we talked for a while and then went to bed for real. Christmas morning we all woke up at 6:00 but our grandma told us to go to bed until 7:00 but we actually slept until 8:00. We rushed out of bed and ran straight into my parents bedroom, woke them up, then rushed out to the guest house to wake up my cousins' parents and there youngest brother. First we waited for the parents to open our stockings and right when they all walked in we opened our stockings right away. After we opened our stockings we had breakfast. It took the parents FOREVER. We had to wait so long we played a full game of uno with 2 decks!!!!!!!!!! Finally once they were done we got to open our big presents. I was so excited. Then the rest of the day we played outside and played. We all the best Christmas ever.

Multi Genre Writing Project

In my Multi Genre Writing Project I am on my second project and I am doing a power point. I am doing my research. It is on the history of dogs. I am learning a lot about dogs doing this project. I am very excited about it. I'm excited about it because I don't know anything about dog history, so I am excited to find some stuff out.

Weekend News

Break I went sledding with friends. With one of my friends we went in her backyard and with my other friend we went down to a steep hill behind the church near her . Went belly sledding, surf sledding, and knee sledding. We even sledded without a sled on our bellies. I had a sleepover with my friend Natalie. We played Wii, watched a movie, had popcorn. In the morning we had pancakes and cereal. I also had a sleepover with a different friend. We went to the Edina vs. Minnetonka hockey game, played a game and watched television. I had a friend over twice. We watched a movie, played Wii, played a game and a lot more. On new years eve I went to my neighbors house and we watched a movie caleld Pee-wee Herman, my dad, other kids, and I played knee hockey, colored, ate pizza and brownies, and watch the ball drop and watched singers.

Weekend News