Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend News 2/27-2/28/10

Friday night I did homework until dinner. For dinner my parents and I had butter noodles, milk, and pizza. After dinner I did a little more homework. Then, my dad and I played band hero until it was time for me to go to bed. Then I woke up at 7:00 for my ski program and then i went to the bus stop. soon after i go t there we had lunch and i found my dad. (he was there because it was family fun day) For lunch I ate with my dad and my cousin Caroline. I had a hot dog, lays original chips, chocolate chip cookies, and Dr. Pepper. After lunch we went down to the secret path you go down and you go real fast down the hill. My dad snowboards and my cousin and I ski. Then we went down the terrain park a couple times. After that we went on the wall which is a really steep hill at Wild Mountain. it is a double black diamond. when we stopped skiing we only stopped to have a snack and rest for a little bit. After we went back out we just went on a bunch of random hills until our last run I went on the wall but Caroline and my dad didn't. I got to skate on my skis about 1/4 of a mile. It was really fun. When we got back I went to Caroline's house and we had a sleepover. For dinner we had lasagna, Fro desssert we had awesome sundaes with chocolate and caramel syrup, the candy of nerds, twix, snickers, crunch bar and butter fingers. It was sooooo good. Soon we went to bed. We watched saturday night live for a while though, then we went to sleep. In the morning we got up and had breakfast. After btreakfast we cleaned up our sleeping area. once we were finished we went out side and went snow mobiling in the yards. It was sooo fun. There was the driver and a sled attached to the snowmobile with someone riding. I got to do a lot of both. Soon my mom came and I had to go home. When I got home I did some more home work until my friend came over. We went on a walk, playedoutside, played band hero, and ate llunch. After they left I finished most of my home work. When I finished my family and I went on a walk. When we got back I took a shower and then had dinner. After dinner I practiced violin, read and went to sleep.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mutli Genre Report ( Dogs )

Dogs come in many different shapes, sizes, and styles. Some are big and some are small. Some are fat and some are not. There are so many different kinds that it would take, minutes, hours, maybe even days to name them all.
Dogs love to play. They love to play with other dogs, their owners, and even with themselves. Dogs will do anything with you. They will swim with you, they will play fetch with you, they will hunt with you, and they will even eat with you.
Dogs also need care. They need something to eat and they also need water. You should also take it to the vet once in a while to make sure it is healthy. Your dog also needs exercise. Exercise important because if a dog doesn’t exercise it could get really sick, and the ingredients in its food (calories, fat, others) may not be good for the dog and the dog wouldn’t be able to burn them off. The side effects could be bad.
Did you know dogs have jobs just like humans? Some dogs are originally bred to retrieve fishing nets out of water areas, these dogs are Labrador retrievers. Lassa Apsos are used as guard dogs in temples. And Siberian huskies have been used to herd reindeer for about three-thousand years.
Dogs have five senses just like humans. They are sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. A dog’s sense of taste and smell are closely linked and it is possible that dogs gain more information in its food from its smell rather than from its taste. They can detect bitter, sweet, salty, and sour tastes. Their taste is relatively poor and they have only one-sixth of the number of taste buds that humans have.
Dogs can hear 4 times better than humans can. They can detect sounds in six- hundredths of a second.
Moisture on the surface of a dog’s nose helps to dissolve molecules in the air. The olfactory center is 40 times larger than of a human, a dog’s sense of smell is 1,000,000 times more efficient.
Dogs’ eyes are more sensitive to movement and light than humans eyes are, but they cannot distinguish colors or outlines of objects as well.
Did you know that above all other domesticated animals; dogs show humankind a spirit of unconditional love and loyalty? They have been man’s believing and companions throughout known and recorded history. A dog can truly be called “A Man’s Best Friend”.
The ancient Greek hero Odysseus went to war while his dog, Argus, was still a puppy. The dog grew and serve other men until he was old, neglected, and cast out to sleep on dunghill. When Odysseus finally came home, this is where he found his beloved dog, Argus. The dog was too feeble to move. Wagged his tail—and died of joy. He had waited twenty years, and saw his master again at last.
As you can see I love dogs. I would do almost anything for them, or to help them, The End.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend News of 2/6-2/7/10

Friday night I got off the bus and did my homework until my friend picked me up to have a sleepover.At her house we watched a movie, had pizza dinner, made lunches for skijammers, and had cereal for breakfst. Then, her mom drove us to the bus stop where buses that take us to the place that we're going to ski at. This week we went to Wild Mountain. When I got home I had dinner, read for twenty minuetes, and wetn to sleep because I was really tired after getting up at 7:00 am and skiing all day. Sunday morning I had cinomin bred and cinomin toast crunch for breakfast. When I was finished with breakfast I went on the computer for a while. When I was finished I did some more of my homework. When I stopped played rock band with my dad for a while. When we stopped we had lunch. When I was finished with lunch I did almost the rest of my home work. When I stopped I played a game on the computer. I watched TV when I was finished. When I stopped watching TV I went to my nieghbors across the street to play outside. When we setopped we all came back to my house and had hot cocoa and played rock band. after they left I finished my homework and ate dinner. For dinner I had steak, baked potatoes, and salty asparugus. after dinner I read, showered and went to bed.