Friday, October 30, 2009

What I did Over the Weekend of 10/31/09-11/1/09

Friday night I got home and started my homework online. After that I carved my pumpkin. What I did to carve my pumpkin is, first I drew a picture of what I want my jack-o-lantern to look like. After that my dad carved in the pumpkin. After carved my pumpkin I practiced my piano for my recital in 2 weeks. After I practiced m piano I had dinner, for dinner my family and I had chicken nuggets and milk. After dinner I had dinner I did my study link for school. Then I tried my costume on to make sure it fits nice, and it does! I am being Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. Then my babysitter came, while she was at my house we watched movies and had popcorn then I went to bed. Saturday morning I had breakfast, for breakfast I had cinnamon toast crunch cereal. It was really good. After I had breakfast I played wii fit down stairs with my younger sister. Then Allie went to her private voice lessons. While she was gone my dad and I raked in our backyard. After raking for a bit my father and I went inside for lunch. We had quesidillas from chipotle. After lunch I practiced piano. When I was done I helped my sister practice her piano. then I did some more online homework. After I did that I picked up in my basement. After I picked up the basement I put on my costume and when I was done my grandfather came over to give my father and I our gopher hockey tickets for the game that was on Sunday. After my grandpa left my friends started coming over to have dinner before trick-or-treating. After dinner we started trick-or-treating. I got 186 pieces of candy. After the after party I went to a different party until it was time to go home and go to sleep. Sunday morning I had four chocolate chip pancakes. They are so good, especially because my dad makes ts the best pancakes in the whole wide world. After breakfast I did some more homework. Then, I helped my did with yard work until lunch. For lunch my family and I had macaroni and cheese with grapes, pizza, and milk, we ate outside inside of a circle of leaves in the backyard. Then I did some more homework, got ready for the hockey game and went to the hockey game with my dad and my neighbors. The gophers played the Alaska sea-wolves, and the gophers won 4-1. At the game I got a 6 inch sub sandwich from subway, sour-cream and onion chips, and water. After the game my father and I came home, and I finished my homework, read, and went to bed.


  1. Wow! You must have had a very busy weekend!

  2. Nice job! I like how you remembered to put what you had for dinner and nice details. My pumpkin was so hard to carve my Dad had to use a chisel and a hammer to carve the pumpkin.

  3. Wow, what a busy weekend! You must have been tired when it was bedtime! Nice detail.

    You're an awesome writer:)

