Sunday, December 6, 2009

What i did over the weekend of 12/5-12/6/09

Friday night my sister and I went straight to my grandparents house because my parents were going to a party. At my grandparents house I did a puzzle, read, and read Christmas stories to my sister while she was in the bathtub. When I got home Saturday morning I went to home depot with my dad and went to a friends house for a while. After that I went to a friend's birthday party. We went to a dance place and had dance contests, hula-hoop contests, ate pizza, drank pop, and rode in a limousine. After her party my dad and I went to an Edina hockey game against St. Louis Park. Edina won 17-0. Sunday morning my family and I had pancakes for breakfast. After breakfast we went to get our Christmas tree. Then we came back and had lunch. We had macaroni and cheese with milk and cantaloupe. After lunch we put the Christmas tree lights up and and put up some ornaments. After that I read until we had dinner and went to church.After church I showered, finished my homework. After I finished my homework I went to bed.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Multi Genre Writing Project

My multi genre writing project is about dogs. I am doing a report on dogs. Right now in my report I am on my rough draft. I really like doing this project because I love dogs, I love to learn about them, and I love to write. Also I am interested in my subject because there are so many things to know about dogs, like what they do, what they eat, what the like, and what they need. There are many more things to know about them but it would take days to find out everything. Some things I know about dogs are that they have jobs. Some of their jobs are herding, helping the blind, and helping on farms. I love this subject, I can't wait to see the finished draft.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What I did Over the Weekend of 11/7/09-11/8/09

Friday night when I got home I pretty much went straight to my cousin Ryan's house to celebrate his third birthday. While I was there I played outside with all of my cousins. Then, I went in for dinner, we had pizza, fruit salad, vegetables and milk. After dinner Ryan's oldest brother went to his hockey practice. After he left my cousin's and I played inside and Ryan opened his gifts. When he was done my mom took me to a friends house for sleepover. My friend and I watched TV, ate candy, played in her room, had breakfast and played outside. After that I walked home and helped my dad with yard work. Then I did some of my homework. After I did my homework I did some more yard work. Then, I had lunch pasta, crackers and apple juice. After lunch I finished yard work and worked on social studies with my mom on the front steps because it was so nice outside. When I was all done I helped with dinner, then I had dinner. For dinner my parents and I had chicken and garlic toast. After dinner my dad and I watched some hockey. After the first period my neighbors came over and we had a bonfire with s'mores. I had two and they were delicious. Then my mom and I played Racko. After that I read and went to bed around 9:30.
Sunday morning I woke up around 10:00. I had corn pops and juice for breakfast. After breakfast I helped my dad with yard work again. Then, I had pizza and milk for lunch. After lunch I finished my social studies with my mom and finished the yard work. When I was done a friend came over. We played wii fit and D.D.R or dance dance revelution. When she left my cousin Kyle from Calafornia came over for dinner because he goes to college here in Minnesota at Dunwoody for engineering. My dad's parents also came over because my father's mom is going to Arizona untiil thanksgiving. For dinner we had stuffed steak, pork chops, corn, salad and chese bread. After they left I took a bath, finshed my homework, read and went to bed.

Friday, October 30, 2009

What I did Over the Weekend of 10/31/09-11/1/09

Friday night I got home and started my homework online. After that I carved my pumpkin. What I did to carve my pumpkin is, first I drew a picture of what I want my jack-o-lantern to look like. After that my dad carved in the pumpkin. After carved my pumpkin I practiced my piano for my recital in 2 weeks. After I practiced m piano I had dinner, for dinner my family and I had chicken nuggets and milk. After dinner I had dinner I did my study link for school. Then I tried my costume on to make sure it fits nice, and it does! I am being Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. Then my babysitter came, while she was at my house we watched movies and had popcorn then I went to bed. Saturday morning I had breakfast, for breakfast I had cinnamon toast crunch cereal. It was really good. After I had breakfast I played wii fit down stairs with my younger sister. Then Allie went to her private voice lessons. While she was gone my dad and I raked in our backyard. After raking for a bit my father and I went inside for lunch. We had quesidillas from chipotle. After lunch I practiced piano. When I was done I helped my sister practice her piano. then I did some more online homework. After I did that I picked up in my basement. After I picked up the basement I put on my costume and when I was done my grandfather came over to give my father and I our gopher hockey tickets for the game that was on Sunday. After my grandpa left my friends started coming over to have dinner before trick-or-treating. After dinner we started trick-or-treating. I got 186 pieces of candy. After the after party I went to a different party until it was time to go home and go to sleep. Sunday morning I had four chocolate chip pancakes. They are so good, especially because my dad makes ts the best pancakes in the whole wide world. After breakfast I did some more homework. Then, I helped my did with yard work until lunch. For lunch my family and I had macaroni and cheese with grapes, pizza, and milk, we ate outside inside of a circle of leaves in the backyard. Then I did some more homework, got ready for the hockey game and went to the hockey game with my dad and my neighbors. The gophers played the Alaska sea-wolves, and the gophers won 4-1. At the game I got a 6 inch sub sandwich from subway, sour-cream and onion chips, and water. After the game my father and I came home, and I finished my homework, read, and went to bed.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Multi Genre Writing Project

My multi genre project is about dogs. I am writing a report. I use information from books, online resources, and things I have learned about dogs in the past. I really enjoy this project because I really like dogs and I think it would be cool to know about something I really like.
At this point I have gotten about two pages of information about dogs in my composition notebook. I have information about dog breeds and jobs dogs have like herding other animals and things like that.