Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend News 3/13-14/10

Friday night I got off the bus and I had a snack and said good bye to my dad because he was going to the semifinals hockey games. My sisters friends Kaylyn and Evie came over because their parents were gone and we babysat them. We had chicken nuggets and corn for dinner and a little bit of candy for dessert. After a long and tiring week I was very tired so i went to bed right after Kaylyn and Evie left. Saturday morinig my sister and I stayed home alone for a few hours while my parents were at a 5 kilometer~3 mile 100% Irish for a day run. When they got home we found out that we were going to Ireland for spring break. My sister and I screamed because we were sooo excited. My mom and I had lunch soon afterwards and then went to the mall to go shopping. When we got back it was almost time for dinner because we went to a lot of places to shop. My dad and I got ready and went off to Cassetto's italian restaurant before the MSHSL (Minnesota State High School League) championship game. Edina won, I was really excited. Sunday morning I woke up, had pancakes and headed off to curch. After church my mom and I went to Target and on a walk. It was very relaxing. Afterwards we got ready for my grandpa to come over for dinner. We had stuffed pork chops, peas, potatoes, bread and milk. After my grandpa left we got our bags ready and went to bed.